New Frontiers 5 – Unit 8 What Will You Be Having?

This unit will give students the ability to order food in a restaurant, make special requests, talk about special diets, food preferences, and good and bad manners using gerunds, infinitives, and different -ing forms.

This unit will give students the ability to order food in a restaurant, make special requests, talk about special diets, food preferences, and good and bad manners using gerunds, infinitives, and different -ing forms.

What you will do in this Unit

Lesson A: Listen to people taking and making meal orders
Lesson B: Ask questions about a dish, state preferences, and make special requests
Lesson C: Read about preferences and manners in different cultures
Lesson D: Write an email requesting special accommodations
Lesson E: Make a food guidebook for people with special needs or diets

+115 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 38 Topics
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate